Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Call @ 1-800-731-1629 Learn to Write off Bad Debt in QuickBooks Online

Write off bad debts in QuickBooks Online.

When an invoice becomes uncollectible, you need to write it off. This ensures that the receivable and net income of your accounts is up-to-date.
Step 1: It involves checking your aging accounts receivable
Review other invoices or receivables that should be considered as bad debt using the Accounts Receivable Aging Detail report.

1.      Move to the Reports menu.
2.      Secondly, in the field of Find report by name, enter “Accounts Receivable Aging Detail.”
3.      Check for the outstanding accounts receivable that can be written of

Step 2: Second step involves creating a bad debts expense account

1.      Choose the Settings ⚙ icon. Under Your Company, choose Chart of Accounts.
2.      Then in the upper right, select New.
3.      From the drop-down of account type, choose Expenses.
4.      From the ▼ drop-down of Detail Type, choose Bad debts.
5.      In the Name field, enter “Bad debts.”
6.      Choose Save and Close.
Step 3: Creating a bad debt item
1.      Choose the Settings  ⚙ icon. Under Lists, Choose Products and Services.
2.      At the upper right, choose New, and then Non-inventory.
3.      In the field of Name, enter “Bad debts.”
4.      From the Income account ▼ drop-down, choose Bad debts.
5.      Choose Save and Close.
Step 4: Create a credit memo for the bad debt
1.      Choose the Create icon .
2.      Under Customers, choose Credit Memo.
3.      Under the Customer ▼ drop-down, choose the appropriate customer.
4.      In the section of Product/Service, choose Bad debts.
5.      In the column of amount, the amount that you want to write off needs to be added.
6.      In the Message displayed on statement box, enter “Bad Debt.”
7.      Choose Save and Close.
Step 5: Apply the credit memo to the invoice
Note: You can set up QuickBooks to automatically apply credit memos to your invoices. To do this:
1.      Choose the Settings ⚙ icon. Under Your Company, choose Account and Settings.
2.      Move to the Advanced tab.
3.      In the Automation section, choose the edit (pencil)  icon.
4.      Choose the automatically apply credits checkbox.
5.      Choose Save, then Done.

1.      Choose the Create icon .
2.      Under Customers, choose Receive Payment.
3.      From the Customer ▼ drop-down, choose the appropriate customer.
4.      From the Outstanding Transactions section, choose the invoice.
5.      From the section of Credits, Choose the credit memo.
6.      Choose Save and Close.

The receivables that are noncollectable now appear on your Profit and Loss report under the Bad Debts expense account.
Step 6: Running a report of bad debts
You can run an Account QuickReport to check all the receivables you tagged as bad debt. To do this:

1.      Choose the Settings ⚙ icon.
2.      Under Your Company, Choose Chart of Accounts.
3.      In the Action column of the bad debts account, Choose Run report.
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If the above solutions are not able to resolve your doubts and errors, you can certainly reach out at QuickBooks helpline number, which is 1-800-731-1629. Errors related to Restoring a backup company file can be fixed within no time. For more information visit @ www.qbooks247.com

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